

Wooden model
One like this stands on a shelf in my office. Probably a common item in artists’ studios (The ones with canvases and oil paints.)

There are endless variants on this theme. And they’re usually the hands of men wearing a shirt and jacket.

International understanding
To avoid making an embarrassing social mistake, it’s good to know what various hand gestures mean around the world.
Illustration by Brown Bird Design for Condé Nast Traveler. http://brownbirddesign.com

Fortune telling
A palmistry (or chiromancy) diagram, used to unlock the secrets of our future.

Sign language
Communication through gestures. This is ASL: American Sign Language. The image appeared before in a post called “Signals”: https://wp.me/s7LiLW-signals

Life-like hands that act as a shelf, vase or hook: https://bit.ly/2LtVq9d